Zeb’s Mr. Marshmallow Fireside SOLD

DOB: 08/02/2024
Gender: Male
Weight: 9 lbs

Zeb’s Mr. Marshmallow Fireside  is a rare Isabella brindle Isabella and silver male puppy born 8-2-24, priced at $2100.00 with a neuter contract. His registration is AKC, American Kennel Club. He has a calm personality. He has blue eyes. He will keep blue eyes or light colored eyes as an adult. He loves to be around people. He is a friendly puppy. He is large boned and will be a very large German Shepherd when he is an adult. He is very smart and alert. He is a sweet boy that likes to be picked up and loved on. He has a soft Isabella  brindle in his Isabella and silver short coat. He will keep his Isabella mask on his face as an adult. He likes to romp and play with his brothers and sisters. He will make you smile everyday. His mother is Zeb, my silver fawn brindle mom. His father is Vanillabean Noel, my Isabella dad. He has a puppy replacement health guarantee on genetic issues until one year old. His shots and wormings are up to date and he has been vet checked. He comes with 30 days of pet insurance free for accidents and illnesses, that the new pet owner must activate. After the free 30 days you can keep the pet insurance or it will self cancel. He can be reserved for you with a $200.00 non-refundable deposit. I accept puppy payment through Paypal, Walmart Money Gram, or Western Union. He is available for puppy pick up September 27th. He can be shipped. Shipping is an additional charge of $660.00 which includes crate, airfare, and health certificate. I fly my puppies on Fridays. He will make an amazing new addition to your family.